The bottle is made of 60% recycled glass.

The outer packaging is made of certified paper from sustainable forestry or recycled paper and is vegan. Climate neutral with FSC certification as well as WPV Code of Conduct certified. Only vegan and food safe adhesives are used.

The lid and safety cap of our polishes is made of lignin. Lignin consists of bio-polymers made from natural fibres and natural additives and is a by-product of industry. It is produced worldwide at a rate of approximately 50 million tonnes per year. The lid can be put in the green bin. In the industrial composting plant, decomposition takes place through the addition of microorganisms and their enzymes. Composting contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases.

IMPORTANT: before the lid ends up in the green bin, be sure to lift out the brush and peel off the label because these are not compostable!

The brushes are made of vegan, synthetically produced brush hairs and webs of bio-based polyamides.

All colours are food safe. Mineral oil-, soy- and hazardous substance-free (bio-) printing inks based on vegetable oil from sustainable cultivation.

Energy and heat generation at OZN:
We use 100 % green electricity from renewable sources in Germany, of which 25 % is self-generated.

In addition, we use 100 % of our own heat production and 25 % recycled production heat from the machines and 75 % from our own heat module by burning sustainable raw materials from the wood industry (chips and wood waste).

Office and administration at OZN:
Paperless office through digital processes, contracts and invoices. Low energy office, electronic equipment upgraded in 2020 to the latest standards for electricity savings.

Shipping and logistics at OZN:
Reduction of unnecessary plastic packaging and reduction of unnecessary empty space in packaging of products and transport to customers. Climate-neutral parcel shipping and low-energy shipping label printers and EDP.

Production and recyclables at OZN:
Consistent separation of all production waste and targeted return to the recycling cycle or environmentally sound disposal.

General sustainability of OZN suppliers:
Production with climate-neutral electricity and climate-neutral gas. All products are produced in accordance with EU Framework Regulation 1935/2004/EC and 2023/2006/EC.

All materials are certified by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. This tests packaging for the chemicals that can be used and their maximum concentrations.